Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jan. 14th Clipper Snow Totals. Rain Looking Likely for Monday/Tuesday. Where's Winter???

Here is yet another set of totals that I've seen from people who were able to get in on the clipper from last night.

Asheville, NC: 0.5"
Boone, NC: Around 2"
Haywood County, NC: 2"
Red Hill, NC: 2"
Yancey County, NC: 3"
Beech Mountain: 6.5"

Cold front will swing in for the early portion of this week, setting up the stage for plenty of shower action across the Southeast.  Ranges anywhere from an isolated to a good chance that it falls for some areas (30%-70%).  Should be out of here as Tuesday night progresses, and we get back into dry conditions once more with temperatures just a bit above normal for our highs.

Medium to long range has not looked good in the past few days.  In fact, given what most has shown, we may be talking about flirting and/or breaking records across our region with 60s and 70s for highs as a strong ridge is progged to build over us, keeping the cold air well at bay far north.  However, during this time, there is a chance for some good dumping of rain as a system is forecasted to cut-off to our west and progress eastward with potentially some nasty severe weather thrown into the mix but will not go into specifics on that just yet since this is way out there.  This period appears that it will begin by next weekend and last through most of the remaining days of this month.  Unless we turn downright cold and stormy for February and early March, I'm afraid that this winter will end on the warm side with average to much below average snowfall for most of us.  Of course, given my recent posts, the mountain folks are at least getting the white stuff, and that goes for a few of you who managed to see snow with the cut-offs from last year during the last few days of November and again during early December but nothing that would be considered a widespread major winter storm.  You may (or may not) have seen my post on Americanwx but I did mention how I was beginning to think that I should have changed my forecast to where I have us at or slightly above average in temperatures but eh what can you do.  Seasonal forecasting is extremely difficult especially in an amped pattern with several pieces of energy flying around.  There is no "persistance" regarding troughing/ridging in one spot for several weeks at a time and so this makes things fluctuate consistently with cold shots and warm ups with rain and upper-level systems swinging through.  It's a lot to handle for the models and thus things drastically change on a day to day basis regarding seeing fantasy winter storms or major flooding rains 10 days out.  Nevertheless, winter seems to be taking a vacation soon and who knows when (or if) it comes back for next month.  We'll see how it plays out.  Maybe we can pull off a 180 compared to the previous winter where it was cold the first half of February and then flipped the switch from Winter to Spring.

Have a good day everyone.

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